A 4-pole, lap connected D.C. machine has 540 armature conductors
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A 4-pole, lap connected D.C. machine has 540 armature conductors

A 4-pole, lap connected D.C. machine has 540 armature conductors. If the flux per pole is 0.03 Wb and runs at 1500 r.p.m, determine the e.m.f. generated. If this machine is driven as a shunt generator with the same field flux and speed, calculate the terminal voltage when it supplies a load resistance of 40 O. Given armature resistance as 2 O and shunt field circuit resistance as 450 O . Also find the load current.

Engineering"The e.m.f. generated in the DC machine can be calculated by:E = ( P Φ Z N ) / 60A,in which,P is the number of poles, Φ is the flux per pole, Z is the total number of armature conductors, N is the speed in r.p.m, andA is the number of parallel paths.By calculating through this formula, the generated e.m.f would be 243 volts."...

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