A 6 cm thick rectangular plate has a length of
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A 6 cm thick rectangular plate has a length of

1. A 6 cm thick rectangular plate has a length of (16.3 ± 0.2) cm and a width of (23.8 ± 0.1) cm. Calculate the volume of the plate, including its uncertainty.

2. A driver in a car traveling at a speed of 100 km/h sees a kangaroo 80 m away on the road. Calculate the minimum constant acceleration that is necessary for the car to stop without hitting the kangaroo (assuming that the kangaroo does not move in the meantime).

3. If a man lifts a 15.0-kg bucket from a well and does 11.00 kJ of work, how deep is the well? Assume that the speed of the bucket remains constant as it is lifted.

4. A gold ring has an inner diameter of 2.00 cm at a temperature of 16.0°C. Determine its inner diameter at 49°C (αgold = 1.42 × 10–5 °C–1).

5. The range of human hearing extends from approximately 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. Find the wavelengths of these extremes at a temperature of 33°C.

6. 18-gauge wire has a diameter of 1.024 mm. Calculate the resistance of 27 m of 18-gauge copper wire at 20°C. Resistivity of copper = 1.7 x 10-8 Ohm-metre.

7. Light of wavelength λ0 in a vacuum has a wavelength of 459 nm in water and a wavelength of 420 nm in benzene. What is the wavelength λ0? [Refractive index of water = 1.333]

8. For a hydrogen atom in its ground state, use the Bohr model to compute the orbital speed of the electron. (Bohr Radius = 0.0529 nm). Coulomb constant = 8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2, Charge of an electron = 1.6 x 10-19 C, mass of an electron = 9.11 x 10-31 kg.

9. A metal wire has a resistance of 33.00 Ω at a temperature of 28°C. If the same wire has a resistance of 36 Ω at 75°C, what is the resistance of the wire when its temperature is 0°C?

10. Many smoke detectors use small quantities of the isotope 241Am in their operation. The half-life of 241Am is 432 yr. How long will it take for the activity of this material to decrease to 11.00 × 10−3 of the original activity?

ScienceResistance is basically a measure of the opposition to the current flow in the electrical circuit. Also, it is measured in ohms that are basically symbolized by the Greek letter omega (Ω). The Ohms were named after a German physicist Georg Simon Ohm because he studied the relationship between the current, voltage and resistance....

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