A Calcutta firm whose accounting year ends on 31st December
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A Calcutta firm whose accounting year ends on 31st December

A Calcutta firm whose accounting year ends on 31st December has two branches one at Allahabad, and the other at Varanasi. The branches keep a complete set of books. On 31.12.2014, the Allahabad and Varanasi Branch Accounts in the Calcutta books showed balance of ~ 30,450 and ~ 45,000 respectively before taking the following information into account:

(i)       Goods valued at ~ 2,000 were transferred from Allahabad branch to Varanasi branch under instruction from the head office.

(ii)      Allahabad branch collected ~ 2,500 from an Allahabad customer of the head office.

(iii)     Varanasi branch paid ~ 5,000 for certain goods purchased by the head office in Varanasi.

(iv)     ~ 5,000 remitted by Allahabad branch to Calcutta on 29th December, 2014 were received on 3rd January following.

(v)      For the year 2014, the Allahabad branch showed a net loss of ~ 1,250 and the Varanasi branch a net profit of ~ 5,400.

Pass Journal Entries to record the above transactions in the books of the head office and then write-up the two Branch Accounts therein.

Accounts & FinanceA journal entry is a record of the business transactions in the accounting books of a business. A properly documented journal entry consists of the correct date, amounts to be debited and credited, description of the transaction and a unique reference number.There are four types of Special Journals that are frequently used by merchandising businesses: Sales journals, Cash rec...

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