Part 1: The Written submission 'A KPMG survey of the ASX 200 has found that over 70% of Australia's largest listed organizations are now focusing their reporting on long term value through using at least some of the principles of integrated reporting.’
Using relevant literature review, do you believe that the increased integrated reporting uptake by Australian ASX companies would equitably meet the information needs of various stakeholders? Critically evaluate the integrated report 2019 for AGL with the published CSR/sustainability report/s for 2018in support of your answer as an illustrative example.
Note: Pdf of the KPMG survey is downloadable from above link.
Part 2- The presentation: You are required to submit a video presentation of 5-6 minutes duration based on part 1 of this assignment. This is an opportunity to talk about the main points in your written assignment above and will assist you in enhancing your communication and presentation skills. Groups using voice over or narrated power point shall receive only minimum marks in presentation style and quality criterion. All the group members must participate in the presentation (It is not enough that one person is presenting, and others are just standing in the background). We will not mark any content beyond 6 minutes.
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