A bigram is a sequence of two adjacent letters in a string
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A bigram is a sequence of two adjacent letters in a string

Write a PYTHON program to do this

A bigram is a sequence of two adjacent letters in a string. For example, the phrase "this may be" contains the following bigrams: th, hi, is, ma, ay, be.

1. Process the plain text filewells.txt by removing the non-alphabetic symbols and lowercasing all letters.

2. Extract the 10 most-frequent bigrams and their counts from the processed text.

3. Identify the English words in the file wordlist.txt that contain all of the 4 most frequent bigrams.

Computer"Bigram: A bigram is a sequence of the two adjacent letters in a string. Like: the phrase ""this may be"" contains the following bigrams,  which is hi, is, ma, ay, be. 1.Here, create the functions as:file = open(""filewells.txt"") #Getting all the alphabets into alphasalphas = """" for s in filefor c in s: if c.isalpha(): alphas += c.lower()"...

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