A client asked for a report showing all of the customers owing them money
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A client asked for a report showing all of the customers owing them money


A client asked for a report showing all of the customers owing them money at the end of a financial quarter, which was two months ago. Since then, some of the customers have paid. Which customization method needs to be utilized in order to obtain all Open Receivables as of the last day of the quarter?

1. Current Date Aging method

2. Report Date Aging method

3. Outstanding Accounts Aging method

4. Overdue Accounts Aging method

Accounts & FinanceOpen Receivables Amount means, with respect to any sale by a Loan Party to an AR Buyer of Accounts Receivable made in connection with an AR Sales Transaction, that portion of the Accounts Receivable sold which has not yet been collected by or for the benefit of the AR Buyer and which may, pursuant to the terms. An AR aging report contains a list of your customers' unpaid invo...

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