A new business, Globex Corporation has been created as the result of merging
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A new business, Globex Corporation has been created as the result of merging

Write a business report based on the following: 

A new business, Globex Corporation has been created as the result of merging two large regional business, Riverina Precision Farming, and B T & Sons Farming Equipment. 

Globex Corp is primarily located in the Riverina Region of NSW and has three locations, Albury, Griffith and Wagga Wagga. Within Globex there are two arms to the business (Precision Farming & Farming Equipment), each of which is represented at each location. The Globex Farming Equipment head office is located in Wagga Wagga, while the Globex Precision Farming head office is located in Griffith. Parts and Services for both arms as well as administration support are coordinated from the Albury office. 

Globex Corporation strives to supply agricultural solutions that achieve the following objectives:

Fulfill unmet market needs Exceed the standards for quality, effectiveness and value of its competitors 

Delivered on time Supported with expert technical service and advice 

Environmentally responsible and beneficial 

Senior management has finalised on the following decisions: 

Globex will retain all existing staff, stock and infrastructure from the merged businesses. B T & Sons aging systems are to be merged into the Riverina Precision Farming systems. 

Globex have decided to invest in the development of an Online Sales Management System (OSMS), replacing all manual processes, allowing clients to order and pay for equipment online. 

Write a business report outlining the above case, stating assumptions you make at the beginning of your report. Provide critique into the management decisions substantiating with reference to literature. In your report, make the difference between Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) issues and how it will affect customer choice, continued patronage, brand loyalty, and so on. Suggest how to attract new customers (from competitors) and any other new business opportunities that may arise with such a set up. 

All these should be substantiated with references to IS and IT literature. marking criteria: 


Objective of the report and the relationship to other works in the field clearly stated 

Executive Summary 

Summary of the complete report well written for the reader to become acquainted with the body of the material. 

Body of Report, Recommendations & Conclusion 

Application of IS and IT concepts and principles; 

ability to differentiate IS and IT. 

Report extremely well supported with relevant citation to literature & relevant case studies. Any assumptions made are clearly noted. Evidence and depth of research. Correct citation and referencing – 

Extensive reading of more than appropriate and relevant titles. 

Newspaper and magazine reports limited to a maximum of APA th edition referencing applied. No referencing errors. Direct quotes used sparingly. Sources all documented. Readers of business reports expect certain information to be in certain places. They do not expect to search for what they want and the harder you make it for them the more likely they are to toss your report to one side and ignore it. So what should you do? 

Follow the generally accepted format for a business report: Title, Executive Summary, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion and Reference List. 

Organise your information within each section in a logical fashion with the reader in mind, usually putting things in order of priority - most important first. 

Report Title. 

This is simply up at the beginning of your report. 

Executive Summary. 

Give a clear and very concise account of the main points, main conclusion (and recommendation). 

Some people, especially senior managers, may not read anything else so write as if it were a stand-alone document. It isn't but for some people it might as well be. Keep it brief and free from jargon so that anyone can understand it and get the main points. Write it last, but do not copy and paste from the report itself; that rarely works well. 


This is the first part of the report proper. Use it to paint the background to 'the problem' and to show the reader why the report is important to them. Then explain how the details that follow are arranged. Write it in plain English. 

Main Body. 

This is the heart of your report, the facts. It will probably have several sections or sub-sections each with its own subtitle. It is unique to your report and will describe what you discovered about 'the problem'. These sections are most likely to be read by experts so you can use some appropriate jargon but explain it as you introduce it. Arrange the information logically, normally putting things in order of priority -- most important first. In fact, follow that advice in every section of your report. Do not write in dot points or numbered points as this will appear disjointed and look like notes taken in a meeting. 


Present the logical conclusions of your investigation of 'the problem'. Bring it all together and maybe offer options for the way forward. Many people will read this section. 


What do you suggest should be done? Don't be shy; you did the work so state your recommendations in order of priority. 


As your business report must be academically sound as well as making good business sense, it is essential that your report is supported by accurate in-text referencing and the inclusion of a reference list. Although some business reports in the workplace do not require full referencing (and some students may be used to this), it is a requirement in the academic environment. This is equitable for all students.

Business The five main components of an information system are; computer hardware, computer software, Human Resources and procedures, database, and telecommunications. Information systems are designed to convert raw data to useful information that an organization can use for decision making....

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