A spanning tree is a set of edges that connects all the vertices together
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A spanning tree is a set of edges that connects all the vertices together

Q1. Let G be a graph, where each edge has a weight.

A spanning tree is a set of edges that connects all the vertices together, so that there exists a path between any pair of vertices in the graph.

A minimum-weight spanning tree is a spanning tree whose sum of edge weights is as small as possible.

In this question, you will apply Prim's Algorithm on the graph below.

You must start with vertex A.

There are nine edges in the spanning tree produced by Prim's Algorithm, including AB, BC, and IJ.

Determine the exact order in which these nine edges are added to form the minimum-weight spanning tree.

ComputerPrim's algorithm: It is also called as Jarník's algorithm. It is a greedy algorithm which finds a minimum spanning tree for the weighted undirected graph. It also means it finds the subset of the edges which forms the tree that includes every vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized....

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