All new staff members at Burleigh Heads are required to participate in an induction
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All new staff members at Burleigh Heads are required to participate in an induction

Assessment Task 3: PowerPoint presentation project

Assessment Task 3 Instructions as provided to students

Complete the following activities:

Carefully read the following.

All new staff members at Burleigh Heads are required to participate in an induction. It has recently been identified that new staff members also need to be inducted in setting up their work station to meet health and safety requirements. 

Your Manager has asked you to develop a short PowerPoint presentation that can be provided to staff as part of their induction to assist them to set up their workstation correctly.

Your Manager has asked you to develop a PowerPoint presentation based on the following information:

The presentation must be in your own words and developed according to the Style Guide. Use images to illustrate points. You will not be expected to present your work, so it must be able to stand alone as a document, and it will be marked as such.

1. Make notes on the presentation that you will develop.

Review the requirements for the task as set out in the scenario information, as well as the Style Guide. Then, to prepare for a meeting with the Office Manager (your assessor), develop and type up notes on the key requirements of the task, including:

The software you will use to complete the task.

An outline of the layout and style of the presentation asset out in the Style Guide.

Design elements of the presentation, including the templates you have selected.

Your understanding of the content of the PowerPoint presentation.

2. Develop a first draft of your presentation.

  This part of the assessment task requires you to develop only the first draft of your PowerPoint presentation. It is important to remember that this is not your final draft, and that you will be making numerous changes to it before you have your final draft. Its purpose is to give yourself, and your assessor, a look at how the presentation will look generally, and how close it adheres to the notes that you have taken.

When you have completed the first draft of your presentation, save the draft according to the naming conventions documented in the Style Guide and in the required folder. Note that you will be required to submit a screen shot of the final folder and files. The files should show all versions of the presentation from first draft to final.

3. Write an email to your Office Manager (your assessor), requesting a meeting.

The text of the email should be in correct English, with no spelling or grammatical errors. 

The email text should include the notes that you have made.

Attach the first draft of your presentation to the email.

Your assessor will answer the email with the time and date of your meeting.

4. Participate in a meeting with your Office Manager.

  The purpose of the meeting with the Office Manager to discuss and confirm the format and style of the PowerPoint presentation as you set out in the notes you have developed 

At the meeting, your assessor will also provide you with some additional information about production timelines and design requirements, which you must follow when developing your Power Point presentation. 

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills as follows:

Use of appropriate style (formal), tone (encouraging, respectful) and vocabulary (professional, business language) for the meeting 

Speaking clearly and concisely 

Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding 

Asking questions to identify required information 

Responding to questions as required 

Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

Your assessor will also observe you developing your PowerPoint presentation to assess that you are able to use the functions correctly, including changing font and styles. 

Your assessor will also ask you to demonstrate use of the help menu. This will involve showing your assessor that you know how to access the help menu and how to seek assistance on a topic that will be advised by your assessor. 

5. Complete the second draft of your presentation.

  Revise your first draft of the presentation, incorporating changes suggested during the meeting with your assessor.

Save the second draft as you did the first.

6. Print a copy of the second draft of your presentation.

  Ensure that this is printed as set out in the Style Guide.

Make notes with pen or pencil on this hard copy, finding at least one change that you want to make to each slide. 

Check that all spelling and grammar is correct.

Also consult the Burleigh Accountant’s Style Guide to ensure that you have met all the Style Guide requirements.

7. Complete the final draft of your presentation.

  Using the handwritten notes that you have made, make a final version of the presentation, and save this version as you did to the previous two.

8. Take a screen shot of the final folder and files.

  The files should show all versions of the presentation from first to final draft. 

9. Send an email to your assessor.

  Send the final draft of the newsletter and the folder screenshot to your assessor as email attachments within the designated timeline.

Provide the hard copy of your marked-up second draft to your assessor at this time also.

ManagementMicrosoft PowerPoint is a powerful slide show presentation program. It is a standard component of the company's Microsoft Office suite software, and is bundled together with Word, Excel, and other office productivity tools. The program uses slides to convey information rich in multimedia. MS PowerPoint is a program that is included in the Microsoft Office suite. It is used to make presen...

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