An AAC is composed of 37 strands, each having a diameter of 0.333 cm
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An AAC is composed of 37 strands, each having a diameter of 0.333 cm

4.3. An AAC is composed of 37 strands, each having a diameter of 0.333 cm. Compute the DC resistance in ohms per kilometer at 75°C. Assume that the increase in resistance due to spiraling is 2%.

4.5. The conductor of a single-phase 60-Hz line is a solid round aluminum wire with a diameter of 0.412 cm. The conductor spacing is 3 m. Determine the inductance of the line in millihenrys per mile and in millihenrys per kilometer. How much of the inductance is due to internal flux linkages? Assume skin effect is negligible.

EngineeringResistance is basically a measure of the opposition to the current flow in the electrical circuit. Also, it is measured in ohms that are basically symbolized by the Greek letter omega (Ω). The Ohms were named after a German physicist Georg Simon Ohm because he studied the relationship between the current, voltage and resistance....

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