5. Atwal department store is open daily from 9 AM to 9 PM. The store has full-time and part-time employees. Full-time staff work 8 hours and either start at 9 AM, 11 AM or 1 PM. For example, full-time employees that start at 9 AM work 9 AM to 5 PM. Full-time staff starting at 9 AM take an hour lunch at noon. Those starting their shift at 11 AM take their hour break at 3 PM and 1 PM starts take their hour break at 5 PM. Part-time staff work 4 hours with no breaks and either start their shift at 10 AM or 5 PM. Full-time employees are paid $112 per day and part-time employees are paid $52 per day. The number of employees required each hour is shown in the table below. Suppose Atwal department store can only schedule up to 20 part-time employees per day, develop a linear Solver model to determine how the company can minimize daily labour costs.
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