Based on the two researched occupations, Accountant (general) and Financial Broker
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Based on the two researched occupations, Accountant (general) and Financial Broker

Based on the two researched occupations, Accountant (general) and Financial Broker, I would pursue Financial Broker. Contrasting on both occupation’s viability based on current job search result, in Accountant there is high job rate with bechelor’s degree and and desirability, I always wanted to work as a financial broker and if not then an accountant, the reason is I have strong viability in working as Financial Broker my 


Activity focus




Rationale (strategic thinking)






Information interview





Grow relevant network





Enhance proficiency in occupational requirements





Nurture interest in occupational requirements





Enhance professional identity





A. Resume Overhaul – update your resume to benefit your job search aligned with the occupation identified in Q1a, comply with Australian resume conventions and beat the ‘bots. Submit:

1. Justification: why is this option the most beneficial to your career development at this point in time? 

2. Discussion: explain the rationale behind the changes you make to your resume and how this will benefit your job search aligned to the occupation identified in Q1a. 

3. Copy of your original resume.

4. Copy of your new resume.

5. Reflection on experience: reflect on your resume overhaul experience in the context of your career development.

B. Elevator Pitch – create a video of your one minute persuasive elevator pitch that communicates your key value to potential employers of jobs aligned with the occupation identified in Q1a. Submit:

1. Justification: why is this option the most beneficial to your career development at this point in time? 

2. Discussion of planning: who is your audience, what is your rationale behind the wording you chose for your elevator pitch and the creative and/or technical aspects you have considered? 

3. Transcript of your elevator pitch video.

4. Copy of your elevator pitch video.

5. Reflection on experience: reflect on your video elevator pitch experience in the context of your career development.

C. Information Interview – using Zoom, record an information interview with someone currently working in the occupation identified in Q1a. The aim is to enhance your understanding of the occupation using information interviewing techniques as discussed in the course. Submit:

1. Justification: why is this option the most beneficial to your career development at this point in time? 

2. Discussion of planning: what do you hope to gain from the information interview, what is your rationale behind your choice of interviewee and the questions you plan to ask? 

3. Transcript of your information interview video.

4. Copy of your information interview video.

5. Reflection on experience: reflect on your information interview experience in the context of your career development. 

D. Start-up Interview – using Zoom, record an interview with a founder of a currently operational Australian start-up. The aim is to enhance your understanding of entrepreneurial pathways and challenges using information interviewing techniques as discussed in the course. Submit:

1. Justification: why is this option the most beneficial to your career development at this point in time?

2. Discussion of planning: what do you hope to gain from the interview, what is your rationale behind your choice of interviewee and the questions you plan to ask?

3. Transcript of your interview video.

4. Copy of your interview video.

Reflection on experience: reflect on your start-up interview experience in the context of your career development. 

Business"The financial broker occupation seems to appeal more. However, it is important to understand that this occupation is not the same as investment adviser. Both roles are quite different in the provision of financial services. A comprehension of the differences is indispensable."...

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