Bend the wire into a unique shape, consisting of only straight sections
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Bend the wire into a unique shape, consisting of only straight sections

2. Bend the wire into a unique shape, consisting of only straight sections (i.e., no curves). As a rule you should bend the wire a minimum of 5 times. No two students should have exactly the same wire shape.

You should experimentally determine the following (for the bent wire):

a. The displacement of the structure when your structure is clamped at one end (fixed boundary conditions) and loaded at the opposite end with a known load.

b. Vibration frequency of the first mode of vibration of:

i. Just the wire, and

ii. Wire with a concentrated mass attached

EngineeringDifferent materials have different deformations when pressure is applied either through the application of a load or otherwise. In wire experiment, bending the wire severally adds to its tensile strength and it can hold a heavier load before bending as compared to the same wire being without bends. ...

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