Q4. Secure systems - Report Writing or Implementation
You need to answer the following question.
(a) Report Writing on Designing a Secure System
Buying real estate involves many complex tasks from both buyer and seller points of view. The main tasks of the buyer involve searching for a suitable property, arranging finance, and verifying the property information. A seller has to ensure proper permits (e.g., land titling, building permit, approve building design, etc.) from the designated authority to sell real estate. The financial organization (e.g., bank) plays an important role by ensuring the buyer's financial solvency. A bank collects several personal documents of a buyer and verifies them before providing finance to a buyer. Overall, digital real estate purchasing and selling management involves the collection of sensitive (i.e., personal) data of both buyer and seller. Also, purchasing and selling requires approval at different levels which creates avenues for the breach of privacy of collecting sensitive data and fraudulence (by providing fake documents or tampering information) from both buyer and seller point of view.
Write a report on how the blockchain technology can be used to prevent document or information tampering and the privacy of sensitive data of both buyers and sellers can be preserved in digital real estate purchasing and selling management systems.
The report should be well structured having a proper introduction, main body, and concluding remarks. You must provide necessary diagrams based on your own thoughts as well as collected from different sources. The report must contain the followings:
i. An overview of the traditional digital real estate purchasing and selling management systems with one or more scenarios of possible privacy breach and data tampering.
ii. Necessary diagrams for illustration whenever required.
iii. Briefly explain your understanding of privacy-preserving digital real estate purchasing and selling management systems with necessary diagrams with a brief summary of different privacypreserving techniques that can be used in this scenario.
iv. Briefly explain your understanding on the Blockchain technology and its usefulness in different applications.
i. Explain with necessary diagrams how a privacy-preserving digital real estate purchasing and selling management systems can be integrated with blockchain technology.
ii. Explain how the integrity and traceability of data can be achieved using blockchain in your specified system.
iii. Explain the challenges of using privacy-preserving techniques and blockchain technology in digital real estate purchasing and selling management systems.
You must provide necessary references (at least 15) using APA referencing style including both research and online articles. Articles can be searched in:
• Google,
• Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/),
• IEEEXplore (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp), etc.
(b) Implementation of a Blockchain-based digital real estate purchasing and selling management system
Implement a blockchain-based digital real estate purchasing and selling management systems that will ensure integrity and traceability of data. The implemented blockchain-based digital real estate purchasing and selling management systems should fulfil the following requirements:
• The system should have four types of users: seller, authority, buyer, and bank.
• A seller can a create a permit application with the following information: property address, owner/vendor details, building design (in this case just upload a PDF file with name “design.pdf”), and seller licence number (e.g., L1001). Upon the submission of the permit application, information mentioned above should be stored in the blockchain and the seller will receive a permit application ID.
• An authority can either approves or disapproves a permit application. The decision should be stored in the blockchain along with the property address which can be verified later.
• A buyer can send a loan application to a bank with his/her personal details (e.g., full name, date of birth (DOB), current address, contact number, employer name, annual income, address of the property intended to purchase, and loan amount). Upon the submission of the loan application, information mentioned above should be stored in the blockchain and the buyer will receive a loan application ID.
• A bank either approves or disapproves a loan application by verifying the status of the permit of the property. The decision should be stored in the blockchain along with the buyer’s full name, current address, contact number, and date of birth which can be verified later by a seller.
• The seller can verify the loan application status of a buyer before the deal. If the status of the loan application of a buyer is “approved”, the seller makes the deal. Otherwise, the deal is cancelled. The buyer can see the deal status.
You are allowed to use any programming language or scripting language such as Java, PHP, Python, JavaScript, etc. A good graphical user interface (GUI) is expected. However, you can also provide user friendly commandline user interface. Upon completion of the implementation, you are expected to:
I. Create a report containing the implementation details and user instructions.
II. Upload your code and report in the CANVAS.
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