Calculate the horizontal length between A and B if the total station
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Calculate the horizontal length between A and B if the total station

1. In the figure he is 1.45m, hf is 1.55m, and the measured slope length L is 1663.254m, the zenith angle is 96°05’33” and 1663.254m, respectively. Calculate the horizontal length between A and B if the total station measures the distance.

2. Convert the bearings to azimuth from north and compute the angle, smaller than 180 degrees between successive bearings. N44°50’38E, S38°42’54”E , S 45°06’02”W and N 13°24’30”W

3.Compute azimuths of all lines for a closed traverse ABCDEFA that has the following balanced angles to the right, using the bearing of line AB = N88°18’42’W, FAB= 118°26’59”, ABC=123°20’28”, BCD = 104°10’32”, CDE = 133°52’50”, DEF= 108°21’58”. EFA = 131°47’13”

4.What is the angular misclosure for a five-sided polygon traverse with observed interior angles of 92°26’47”, 109°55’03”, 137°15’33”, 106°35’22” and 93°47’20”

5.In the figure, the X and Y coordinates of station A are 2084.274 and 5579.124, respectively, and of station B are 3012.870 and 3589.315, respectively. The angles to the right of BAP was measured as 310°20’25” and angle to the right of ABP was measured as 44°21’58”. What are the coordinates of station P.

EngineeringThe distance between two spots in plane surveying is the horizontal length. If they are at different elevations, then it might be a little more complicated as you have to keep track of any changes on either side and come up with an accurate measurement for them both....

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