Construct the marginal distribution for each substance
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Construct the marginal distribution for each substance

a. Construct the marginal distribution for each substance. Specify a marginal model that can compare them and explain how to interpret its parameters. State the hypothesis of marginal homogeneity in terms of model parameters.

b. Specify a corresponding subject-specific model. Explain how parameter interpretation differs from the marginal model.

c. Construct a data file to fit the marginal model. (Hint: You could mimic the Abortion data file, ignoring gender.) Use GEE methods to fit the model and to test the hypothesis of marginal homogeneity.

ComputerMarginal models  are the technique for obtaining the regression estimates in multilevel modeling, also known as the hierarchical linear models. Also, these marginal model plots display the dependent variable on each of the vertical axis and each independent variable on the horizontal axis. So, there is one marginal model plot for each of the independent variable and one additional plo...

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