Derive the dynamical equations of motion
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Derive the dynamical equations of motion

Problem 1:

Derive the dynamical equations of motion

Exercise 3.3. Consider each link to be a rectangular solid of homogeneous density with dimensions : li, wi and h, and total mass mi.

Problem 2: Assume L1=0.5, L2=0.5, L3=0.25, m1=0.5, m2=0.5, m3=0.25. Solve the differential equations

using a computer program like MATLAB or Maple with initial conditions

theta1= 10Degrees, theta2= 40Degrees, theta3 = 40Degrees, all initial velocities are zero. Plot each joint angle and joint velocities w.r.t time upto 10 Sec.

EngineeringProblem 2) MATLAB allows the manipulations of matrix, plotting data and functions, logarithms implementation, user interfaces creation and program interfacing which are written in different languages. Miliions of scientists and engineers use MATLAB for applications in range. Any function which is anonymous can be defined at MATLAB line of command or within a script or function....

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