Design a 16-bit Shifter unit with A, B, Type and Direction as inputs and ShiftOut
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Design a 16-bit Shifter unit with A, B, Type and Direction as inputs and ShiftOut

Problem 2:

Design a 16-bit Shifter unit with A, B, Type and Direction as inputs and ShiftOut as output. The value of A should be shifted or rotated by the value specified in B. The “Direction” bit is used to determine whether to shift/rotate left(0) or right(1). The “Op_Type” bit is used to determine whether to Shift(0) or Rotate(1) the data. This 16-bit Shifter has the following entity declaration:

entity ShiftUnit16Bits is

 port(A, B : IN std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

 Direction, Op_Type : IN std_logic;

 ShiftOut : OUT std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

end ShiftUnit16Bits;

 The “Direction” bit is used to determine whether to shift/rotate left (0) or right (1).

 The “Op_Type” bit is used to determine whether to shift(0) or rotate(1)

 The value of A should be shifted by the value specified in B.

 The shifted bits are replaced by 0.

Write a test bench that verifies the functionality of your design; make sure to have all possible operations of this unit in your test bench.

Below table describes this unit’s behavior:

Report : VHDL code and waveforms

ComputerArithmetic Unit: An arithmetic unit, in computing, which is basically an arithmetic logic unit is mainly a combinational digital circuit which in all performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on the integer binary numbers. Also, the simplest arithmetic units mainly execute the binary addition and subtraction. Also, the more complex AUs could easily perform the multiplication, division alo...

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