Draw a block diagram for the following equation
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Draw a block diagram for the following equation

Figure P5.3.

5.4 Draw a block diagram for the following equation. The output is X(s); the inputs are F(s) and G(s).
5x + 3x + 7x = 10f(t) – 4g(t)

5.5 Draw a block diagram for the following model. The output is X(s); the inputs are F(s) and G(s). Indicate the location of Y(s) on the diagram.
x = y – 5x + g(t)
y = 10f(t) – 30x

5.6 Referring to Figure P5.6, derive the expressions for the variables C(s), E(s), and M(s) in terms of R(s) and D(s).

5.7 Referring to Figure P5.7, derive the expressions for the variables C(s), E(s), and M(s) in terms of R(S) and D(S).

5.8 Use the MATLAB series and feedback functions to obtain the transfer functions X(s)/F(s) and X(s)/G(s) for the block diagram shown in Figure P5.3.

5.9 Use the MATLAB series and feedback functions to obtain the transfer functions C(s)/R(s) and C(s)/D(s) for the block diagram shown in Figure P5.6.

5.10 Use the MATLAB series and feedback functions to obtain the transfer functions C(s)/R(s) and C(s)/D(s) for the block diagram shown in Figure P5.7
EngineeringMathematics5.8 Step 1. Referring to figure P5.3 MATLAB code to calculate the transfer function X(s)/F(s) sys1 = tf(4,[1,0]); sys2 = tf(1,[1,0]); sys3 = feedback(sys2,8); sys4 = series(sys1,sys3); sys = feedback(sys4,6); MATLAB output: sys = 4 X(s) / F(s) = 4/ s to the power 2 + 8s + 24...

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