Either benzonitrile or phenylacetonitrile shows a band of medium intensity
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Either benzonitrile or phenylacetonitrile shows a band of medium intensity

2.1 Either benzonitrile or phenylacetonitrile shows a band of medium intensity at 2940 cm-1 ; the other compound shows nothing in the range 3000-2500 cm-1 Explain. 

2.2 Select a compound that best fits each of the following sets of IR bands (in cm-1 ). Each set corresponds to a list of just a few important bands for each compound.

Infrared spectroscopy entails the excitation of molecules between vibrational energy levels. The energy of extremely molecular vibrations resembles radiation in the IR region. Though the IR spectrum is distinctive of the whole molecule, certain groups of atoms give rise to bands at near similar frequency irrespective of the structure of the rest of the molecule....

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