Explain what tags are used to calculate this tag and how the calculation
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Explain what tags are used to calculate this tag and how the calculation

Tag WC-2000 is the sum of the total feed / flow to the mill. Explain what tags are used to calculate this tag and how the calculation would be done using Function Block Diagram language.

Tag Name Description Range Units imi imi Limestone crusher D.E Opacitv Monitor Screen House D.E. Opacity Monitor AI-1000 AI-1100 TIC-2000Mill Inlet Temperature 0-120 PDC-2000 TIC-2010 WC-2000 WIC-2010 0-50ug/m335 0-50ug/m335 Mill Differential Pressure Mill Outlet Temperature Mill Raw Material Feed / flow rate High Grade Limestone Feed / flow rate Feedable Grade 100 275 120 60 125 80 180 0-400 0-150DegC 0-225tph220 0-50pl 45 WIC-2020 |Limeston Feed /Flow0-180tph 170 rate Low Grade Limestone Feed / flow rate Additives Feed / flow rate 0-50tpb. WIC-2030 40 WIC-2040 0-20tph 18

ManagementBlock diagram is a diagram of a system where the principal parts or the functions are represented by the blocks that are connected by the lines which shows the block's relationships. These diagrams are used heavily in the engineering in hardware design, software design, electronic design, along with the process flow diagrams....

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