Formulate and negotiate the program vision with the program board
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Formulate and negotiate the program vision with the program board

Complete the following activities:

Task 2.1 Establish program vision and environment

Formulate and negotiate the program vision with the program board.

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 2 of class to present and negotiate the program vision with the program board, played by a group of classmates (Role-Play).

The trainer and assessor will validate your participation in the meeting and provide feedback on how you led and facilitated it on the marking sheet meeting.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

Before the meeting 

Develop a program vision statement for the program. Document the vision statement in the space provided below.

Draft - Program Vision Statement:

Explain how the program vision statement aligns with the organisation mission and values.

Explain how you will support relevant stakeholders to develop and sustain the program vision in your role as Program Manager.

During the meeting

Greet the program board

Explain the aim of the meeting

Illustrate the program and present the program vision statement

Identify key stakeholder objectives and expectations. Document them using the table provided below:

Key Stakeholder Register

Negotiate the vision statement with the program board

Promote a commitment to the vision statement

Respect differences of opinion

Identify and manage differences in views and expectations. Document the identified differences in views and expectations (2-3) and how you managed them during the meeting in the table provided below:

Use appropriate conventions and protocols to engage and interact with the board

Use active listening and questioning techniques to confirm understanding 

Agree on any changes/refinements and finalise the vision statement

Document the finalised program vision statement in the space provided below:

Final - Program Vision Statement:

Explain how the vision statement aligns with the mission and values of the sponsoring organisation

Confirm how the vision statement aligns with the sponsoring organisation's mission and values with the program board. Document the outcome of the discussion in the space provided below:

How the vision statement aligns with the mission and values of the sponsoring organisation:

Discuss how you will support relevant stakeholders to sustain the program vision in your role as Program Manager. Confirm the approach in consultation with stakeholders and document it in the table provided below (3-4 approaches/activities):

Approaches/Activities to Promote and Sustain Program Vision 

Develop a communication strategy to communicate and promote the program vision across the organisation.

Use the communication matrix provided in Template 1.

(6-8 stakeholder groups or individuals)

Task 2.2 Manage risks

A. Planning

Plan for socially responsible practice in the program. Address all the following:

Determine and formulate explicit expectations for socially responsible practice in the program. (5-7)

Expectations for Socially Responsible Practices:

B. Communication

Write an email (Template 2) to the project managers' team to communicate the explicit expectations for socially responsible practices. 

Remind them of the importance of adhering to those practices and encourage them to promote them in their project teams.

The email text should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

Template 2 - Email

Email to Project Managers' Team





Date email is sent:


C. Policy and Procedure on Socially Responsible Practices

Develop a high-level policy and procedure for individuals to safely report breaches of socially responsible practices within the program without fear of retaliation. 

A policy must include, at a minimum:


Purpose of the policy

Scope of the policy

Policy content with key performance indicators and high-level procedures

Version control

Document the policy and procedures in the below.

Policy and Procedures

Title of Policy

Purpose of Policy

Policy Statement

Scope of Policy

Responsible Parties and Authority



Associated Forms

Associated Policies

Version Control

D. Address threats to socially responsible practices

Assume that the following ethical issues have occurred when managing the program. 

Address the issues in your role as Program Manager.


A You find out that one of your program team members conducts personal business during work hours

B One of the project managers has taken credit for a team member's work

C A member of the program board asks you to employ a friend as a manager in your program team

D You find out that one of the project managers is taking a 'percentage - commission' on each order placed with a specific supplier

E The program board tells you that one of the project managers, a friend of yours, will be laid off at the end of the month. 

For each scenario:

Detail what monitoring and control systems were applied to identify the issue

Outline how each issue is addressed to ensure socially responsible practices are adhered to in the program.

Answers to Scenarios

E. Develop a brief risk management plan

Develop a brief risk management plan to manage risks pertinent to:

Socially responsible practices within the program 

Stakeholder expectation management

Issue resolution management

(5-7 key risks in total)

Use the risk register below to document risk analysis and treatment:

Risk Management Plan


Please include your references below:

(Please refer to this referencing guide if needed or speak to your trainer for any specific referencing requirements for this assessment)

BusinessDraft - Program Vision Statement:Creating a programme objective statement that will direct and motivate the team towards achieving the program's goals is crucial for effective leadership of the programme. The programme vision statement should encapsulate the heart of the initiative and offer the team a clear path forward.The program's vision statement needs to be a succinct, clear statemen...

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