Implement the algorithm in Python to obtain an output dataset D0
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Implement the algorithm in Python to obtain an output dataset D0

Question 3

Consider the restricted Adult dataset “adult-rest.csv.” The dataset contains only the Race, Sex and Salary attributes. You have been tasked to release a differentially private variant of this dataset using the Stability-based Histogram algorithm (see Appendix). You choose = 1 and δ = 10−6. Let D be the initial dataset and let D0 be the differentially private dataset.

(a) Implement the algorithm in Python to obtain an output dataset D0.

(b) What is the “threshold” in Step 7 of the algorithm (see Appendix).

(c) Which points (rows) from D do not appear in D0 and why?

(d) For any point query qx, where x is a point in the domain, let |qx(D)−qx(D0)| be the absolute error between the original (true) answer from D and the noisy answer from D0. Which point in the domain has the largest error, and what is the error?


4.1 Jaccard Index

Let A and B be two sets. Then their Jaccard index J is defined as: J(A,B) = |A∩B| |A∪B| , if A∪B is not empty, and J(A,B) = 0, if A∪B is empty. For example, if A = {1,2,3} and B = {2,3,4}, then: J(A,B) = 2 4 = 1 2 . Note that for any two sets A and B, 0 ≤ J(A,B) ≤ 1.

4.2 Stability-based Histogram Algorithm

This algorithm is taken from [BNS16, Vad17, BV18].

Algorithm 1: Stability-based Histogram Input: Domain X, dataset D ∈Xn, parameters and δ. 1 Randomly shuffle the rows of D. 2 Initialize Dout ←∅. 3 for each distinct point x ∈ D do 4 if qx(D) = 0 then set ax = 0. 5 if qx(D) > 0 then 6 Set ax ← qx(D) + Lap XXXXXXXXXXif ax <>δ/ + 1 then8 Set ax ← 0. 9 else 10 Set ax ← round(ax). 11 if ax > 0 then append ax copies of x to Dout. 12 Output Dout.

Accounts & Finance A data set is an assortment of related, discrete things of related information that might be gotten to exclusively or in mix or oversaw all in all element. An informational index is coordinated into some sort of information structure....

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