In order to identify the business and system requirements, you will need
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In order to identify the business and system requirements, you will need

Specific task instructions

Continue on with the same scenario you used for Assessment 1. The next steps are to gather information that will help you in writing a business requirements and specifications report. You’ll then need to verify the documentation with the client and request final approval.

Stakeholder Instructions : In part 3, the person roleplaying the client must find at least 2 issues or changes that are required to be made to the submitted document, as per the Document Requirements in Part 2.

Part 1: Gather information

In order to identify the business and system requirements, you will need to use your information gathering plan to elicit information from your stakeholders. 

You will need to arrange for at least three stakeholders (work colleagues/clients or other students) to attend a meeting. You can use the same three stakeholders for each task below, however the questions being asked must be different.

1. During the meeting you will need to demonstrate your information gathering method that involves verbal communication.  The meeting should run for 5-20 minutes, including assessor questions. You need to follow your information gathering plan.

o You must use plain English, effective listening and questioning techniques, and relevant terminology to elicit information and feedback

o You need to record the responses from your stakeholders using an appropriate technique e.g. typed document of responses, video recording of interview etc.


o Stakeholders (clients, manager etc.) – arrange for three people to participate as stakeholders

o IT Trainee (this is you).

2. Perform your second information gathering method according to your plan.

o You need to record the responses from your stakeholders using an appropriate technique e.g. online survey tool, typed document of responses etc. 

Part 2: Document requirements

Using the outcomes of your information gathering, as well as relevant organisation documents, write a business requirements and specifications report. 

The report must be professionally presented, using the Red Opal Innovations report template (ROI_Report_template.dotx).

Use correct spelling, grammar and plain English.

Use relevant systems-related text and terminology where necessary. 

Include a title page with your name, report title and date, table of contents, version control, sign-off table and references (cite any sources using Harvard referencing).

Include the following content in your report, with appropriate headings:

1. The background to the project, including the following:

o The problem statement (revised if necessary)

o A context diagram identifying the current system, clients and other stakeholders

o A stakeholder analysis table, including a list of the stakeholders and their roles, their requirements or interests, and their involvement in the project

o Any business rules, assumptions and cost constraints that apply

2. An overview and analysis of the data gathering you performed, including a list of identified business issues/problems

3. An outline of the prioritised critical business and system requirements, considering and referring to the current system functionality, geography and environment. Include the following:

o Functional requirements – these may include any of the following, as appropriate to your project:

Use-case diagrams and descriptions

Context diagram

Process diagram

Other technical diagrams or specifications

o Non-functional requirements – include any relevant assumptions and constraints

o Physical system requirements.

4. An outline of the changes required to the current system in order to implement the new system

5. A conclusion summarising your recommendations. 

Part 3: Verify business requirements

Before your business requirements and specifications report can be submitted for final approval, you need to verify it with the client to ensure that it’s accurate and meets their needs.

1. Create a verification checklist, including a sign-off section, that will enable you to check your report with the client against the following items:

o Is your report easily understood? Do others understand it as you intended?

o Are there any differences of opinion about the content?

o Are there any missing, invalid or new requirements?

o Are the requirements in scope?

o Does each requirement align to the achievement of project objectives and outcomes? 

o Will the requirements resolve the identified issues? 

2. Organise a meeting to verify your report with the client. he meeting should run for 5-20 minutes:

o Your assessor will participate in and/or observe the meeting and complete Observation Checklist 2 (Appendix 3)

o Use plain English and relevant terminology to obtain feedback

o Submit your report to the client and go through each item on your checklist with them, ensuring that you add explanation as required e.g. you may need to point out how the requirements are within the scope.

o Your client will indicate changes that are required to the specification report (The person roleplaying the client must find at least 2 issues or changes that are required to be made to the submitted document, as per the Document Requirements in Part 2).   You must respond with how you will address these new requirements and note the changes that are needed on the checklist. 

o Ask the client to sign the checklist if they agree that it’s an accurate record of the meeting. 

Part 4: Obtain final approval

During the verification process, your client indicated changes that need to be made to your business requirements and specifications report before final approval can be obtained.

1. Using a copy of your report, make the requested changes and update the version number.

ManagementBusiness requirements are the vital undertaking of an enterprise that must be undertaken to me the objectives of the enterprise.  The business requirements are usually contained in a document which serves as a point of the reference for the management of the business and other team members....

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