Out of the following examples, which of the following is a unilateral contract
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Out of the following examples, which of the following is a unilateral contract

1. Out of the following examples, which of the following is a unilateral contract?

(A)Siu Fun writes and posts flyers on lamp poles offering $500 to anyone who returns Siu Fun’s lost cat. 

(B) Anthony says to Brad that he will give Brad $5,000 if Brad can provide him with information about his lost son.

(C)Beacon School offers to give extra lessons to anyone who fails an examination on their first attempt. 

(D) Siu Keung advertises the sale of his flat at half price.

(E) All of the examples given above are correct.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key component of promissory estoppel?

(A) A clear and unequivocal promise must have been made. 

(B) The promisee must have relied on the promise. 

(C)It must be inequitable and unconscionable for the promisor to go back on his promise.

(D) The promise shall be used as a sword and not a shield.

(E) The promisor waived the strict legal right.

3. Which of the following statements about penalty clauses is NOT correct? 

(A) A clause may be a penalty clause if it stipulates for the transfer of property rather than money.

(B) A clause may be a penalty clause if there will be a transfer of money due to a breach of any time, quality or safety requirements.

(C)A clause may be a penalty if it is labelled by the parties as liquidated damages clause. 

(D) A clause will be a penalty clause if it does not represent a genuine pre-estimate of loss sustained.

(E) A clause will be a penalty clause if the requested sum is extravagant and unconscionable by reference to the greatest conceivable loss that might rise.

4. Which of the following is NOT a duty of an agent?

(A) Duty to use care and skill. 

(B)Duty to request for a general lien from the principal. 

(C)Duty to keep a good account. 

(D)Duty to refuse advantage.

(E) Duty to be obedient.

5. Which of the following are essential characteristics of a lease?

(A)Certainty of duration, exclusive possession and rent. 

(B) Certainty of term, exclusive possession and conclusion by deed.  

(C) Certainty of term, exclusive possession and inheritable right.

(D) Certainty of duration, freehold reversion and creation by deed.

(E) Only exclusive possession.

6. Find the statement from the following that is FALSE. 

(A) A bare licence can be revoked at any time by the licensor. 

(B) Upon revocation of a bare licence, the licensee must leave the licensor’s land immediately.

(C)The right of a bare licencee cannot be inherited.

(D) A bare licencee cannot enforce his licence against a third party. 

(E) None of the above.

7. Why did the claimant in Donoghue v Stevenson bring her action in tort instead of in contract?

(A)Because claimant had not actually purchased the ginger herself. 

(B)Because the Scottish Court were unable to adjudicate tort cases. 

(C)Because the purchaser of the ginger beer was indirectly injured. 

(D) Because the seller of the ginger beer was not aware of the presence of the decomposed snail inside. 

(E)Because the presence of a decomposed snail is only a defect in quality rather than a danger to health.

8. Which of the following aspects was successful in arriving at the decision in Sturges v Bridgman?

(A) “Coming to the nuisance” was a defence. 

(B) The deliberate act of the plaintiff was taken into account. 

(C)Locality was a significant factor in finding liability in nuisance. 

(D)”Twenty years prescription” was a defence. 

(E) The fiction of a lost modern grant was a defence.

9. Which of the following is accurate about occupiers? 

(A) An occupier is a person in occupation and control of the premises. 

(B) An occupier may be someone with legal rather than physical control of the premises.

(C)There is no real statutory definition of an occupier in the CAP 314 Occupier’s Liability. 

(D) An occupier issued sufficient warning to his visitors.

(E)All of the above.

10. Which of the following is NOT provided in the Standard Form of Building Contract?

(A) Issuing Architect’s instructions.

(B) Valuation rules for variations. 

(C)Certifying off-site materials. 

(D)Issuing quarterly financial statements.

(E)Certifying contractor’s failure to complete.

BusinessThe unilateral contract refers to a legal binding agreement in which the proposing party offers to pay after the event of a specific Act. These unilateral contracts are mainly used the proposing part has an open request that they are ready to pay for a specified act....

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