Plot the histogram for the count data
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Plot the histogram for the count data

Q1) Consider the hourly pedestrian count data collected at the Argyle Square park in Melbourne over the three-day period. This dataset is given as a CSV file, named “ArgyleSquarePedestWalkbysCSVFile.csv”.

1.1) Plot the histogram for the count data. Comment on the shape. How many modes can be observed in the data?

1.2) Fit a single Gaussian model N(μσ2) to the distribution of the data, where μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. Find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the parameters, i.e., the mean μ and the standard deviation σ Plot the obtained (single Gaussian) density distribution along with the histogram on the same graph.

1.3) Fit a mixture of Gaussians model to the distribution of the data using number of Gaussians equal to 3 (three). Use R programming to perform this. Provide the mixing coefficients, mean and standard deviation for each of the Gaussians found. Plot all these Gaussians on top of the histogram plot. Include a plot of the combined density distribution as well (use different colors for the density plots in the same graph).

1.4) Provide a plot of the log likelihood values obtained over the iterations and comment on them.

1.5) Comment on the distribution models obtained in Q1.2 and Q1.3. Which one is better?

Computer"One usually uses a programming language like Python along with libraries such as pandas, matplotlib, and scipy. Some of the code snippets and steps to achieve it are:Assuming that one have the required libraries installed, so, to perform the tasks:import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom scipy.stats import normfrom scipy.optimize import minimize# Load the C...

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