Run the following assembly code
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Run the following assembly code

Problem 5 –Implement .bss section in Assembly 

1. Run the following assembly code

2. Use nasm and ld to generate the executable. Run it and analyze the code that reads from STDIN and prints on STDOUT. What is the purpose of variable name in .bss section?

3. Write assembly code that implements .bss section. Ask for a value, reads value from STDIN and prints the value on the STDOUT. Comment the read and write system calls and attach the screen captures with the commented assembly code and results

4. Write assembly code that compares two numbers and prints the minimum on STDOUT

Computer1. Computer code, or a set of instructions or a system of rules defined in a specific programming language, is a term used in computer programming (i.e., the source code). It is also the name given to the source code after a compiler has prepared it for computer execution (i.e., the object code)....

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