Directions: Read the items below and circle the number under the category that indicates how much the item is like you. Answer the questions in terms of how you handle conflict situations. There are no wrong answers to these questions.
Scoring: Add the numbers you circled for each statement in each group, and record the total on the blank under Conflict Response Style.
Statement Number and Score Conflict Response Style
1, 6, 11, 16, and 21 Sage
2, 7, 12, 17, and 22. Diplomat
3, 8, 13, 18, and 23 Ostrich
4, 9, 14, 19, and 24 Philanthropist
5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 Warrior
The style under which you recorded your highest score is your preferred way of dealing with conflict.
Descriptions of the style follow.
Descriptions of Conflict Response Styles
Sage Sages have a high concern for both themselves and the other party involved in a conflict situation. They use an integrating, cooperative conflict style and view conflict in a positive light. This style is solution oriented where an open exchange of information is used. It is associated with problem solving and brainstorming with others that leads to the best possible solution to a conflict. This entails a solution that is mutually beneficial to all parties. Overall, this is the best way to effectively resolve conflict.
Diplomat The Diplomat uses a compromising conflict style. This involves a give and take style to derive a mutually acceptable solution to all parties. Solutions are reached that involve the least amount of personal loss. This occurs from both parties negotiating, splitting the differences, or seeking a middle ground solution to a conflict. Most likely, the end result is not the best solution, but a solution that both parties can live with. Diplomats are concerned with getting their own needs met first.
Ostrich The Ostrich tends to avoid conflict situations at all costs and views conflict in a negative fashion. This style is used to steer clear of conflict situations or to remove oneself from an existing conflict. Ostriches tend to ignore the needs of themselves and others. Sometimes Ostriches will procrastinate when they have to deal with a conflict situation and generally won't deal with it if possible. Most likely they do so because they don't like the stress and tension that conflict creates and feel intimidated by it.
Philanthropist The Philanthropist uses an obliging or peaceful coexistence conflict style. This involves giving up one's own needs to satisfy the needs of others. This style attempts to play down differences and emphasize commonalities to satisfy the concerns of the other party. Philanthropists try to keep other people complacent and will sacrifice their own needs to achieve this. Using this style may send off messages to others that they are pushovers and can be easily persuaded.
Warrior Warriors view conflict as a win-lose situation and will use a dominating, forcing style to get what they want. They view conflict as a positive challenge and an opportunity to win something for themselves. They commonly use threats, aggression, and anger to win. The other party may view Warriors negatively and have resentment and hostility toward them because their focus is so much on themselves that they totally negate the feelings of others.
Do you think this Inventory accurately portrays how you handle conflict? Explain. Which style would you feel least comfortable with?
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