Suppose that a family is leaving on a summer vacation in their camper
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Suppose that a family is leaving on a summer vacation in their camper

3. Suppose that a family is leaving on a summer vacation in their camper and that M is the event that they will experience mechanical problems, T is the event that they will receive a ticket for committing a traffic violation, and V is the event that they will arrive at a campsite with no vacancies. Referring to the Venn diagram of this situation in the Figure below, state in words the events represented by the following regions:

(a) region 5

(b) region 3

(c) regions 1 and 2 together

(d) regions 4 and 7 together

(e) regions 3, 6, 7, and 8 together




region 3 = P(T AND V) - P(T AND M AND V)"

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