Take a minute to think about who’s inspired you
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Take a minute to think about who’s inspired you

Assessment Task 1

Please read each question carefully and provide answers in tables below:

Activity 1 – Role models 

Take a minute to think about who’s inspired you. Write down their names, what you admire about them and how you can incorporate more of those traits into your daily life.

Work role models Non-work role models

Activity 2 – Satisfaction Circle

Draw a spider graph of your life at the moment. This is your satisfaction circle and will help you identify some areas for goal setting. Where the lines meet is 0 and the outside is 10.  Place a dot on each line to represent a score from 0 to 10, and then join the dots to form a spider web.

You may wish to add other lines to the graph such as study or sport. The areas where your spiders web is closest to the middle are areas in which you might set some goals

Activity 3 – Goal Statements

Using your results from activity 2, brainstorm some goal statements.

Short-term Goals (next 3 months)

At work:

Away from work

Medium-term Goals (3-12 months)

At work:

Away from work

Long-term Goals (more than 12 months)

At work:

Away from work

Activity 4 – Resources for work goals

Select one of each of your goals from the last activity and identify the resources you will need to achieve them. (Answer in 200-250 words)

Short-term work goal

Identify your goal

Set a time frame for achieving your goal

List the resources you will need to achieve the goal

Medium-term work goal

Identify your goal

Set a time frame for achieving your goal

List the resources you will need to achieve the goal

Long-term work goal

Identify your goal

Set a time frame for achieving your goal

List the resources you will need to achieve the goal.

Activity 5 – Personal SWOT

Create your personal SWOT analysis.  Your trainer will provide you with a large piece of paper, use plenty of colours and illustrations if you want.

You will summarise into a chart at the end of the exercise.





Activity 6 – Measuring Performance

Time Log: Keep an accurate record of completed tasks for one week.

Activity 7 – Rocks in a bucket

Brainstorm the components of your work/study- life balance

Big Rocks

Little Rocks



Activity 8 – Indicators of stress


How many mental indicators did you score              /20

How many physical indicators did you score            /20

At what temperature do you operate on any given day? (circle)

Cool Warm Medium Hot Very Hot Boiling

Activity 9 – Personal Development Plan

Activity 10 – 360o Feedback

Scenario: Jasmina’s 360o feedback review

Jasmina is a project manager at a busy multimedia company.  Her team have several large and complex projects that they are working on with local, national and international clients.

Jasmina’s performance appraisal is coming up and her human resources manager, Bob conducts a 360o feedback review of Jasmina’s performance.

Bob asks the following parties to complete a survey about Jasmina’s performance: the organisation’s chief executive officer, three of Jasmina’s team, a member of the organisation’s sales staff, a member of their administration staff, two contacts with clients she is coordinating projects for and an instructional designer and editor who work for the company as subcontractors.

Bob customises the organisation’s existing survey, so that it is appropriate for someone at Jasmina’s frontline management level.  Questions on the survey are designed to determine Jasmina’s performance in demonstrating interpersonal skills, customer focus, innovation, leadership, team support, developing relationships/networks, meeting deadlines and quality assurance.

Bob briefs Jasmina on the process, being careful to stress that it is a common procedure within the organisation and that it is not going to result in her being fired or demoted.  He assures her that its purpose is just so that she can gain insight into her strengths and weaknesses.

After a week, Bob arranges a meeting with Jasmina.  Together they review the feedback he has collected, identify three areas for Jasmina to target and discuss ways they can be improved.

360o feedback review

Research the review process

Write a summary identifying the strengths of Bob’s feedback process.

Include ways in which Bob needs to improve the review process, to ensure it is properly implemented and that all parties engage with, and benefit from it.

Activity 11 – Networks

Give yourself a score out of ten for how well you use the following networks. Give reasons for your score.

Informal networks

Formal networks


Activity 12 – Questioning

a) Describe methods for achieving a healthy work-life balance.

b) Explain types of learning style/s and how they relate to you/ your job role.

c) Describe types of work methods and practices that can improve personal performance.

Business Personal performance refers to employee effectiveness in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Personal performance can be asses by the employee or the management. Personal performance is essential in identifying the skills gap in a company, also, it motivates employees to do better....

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