The CEO, Max Lionel, has asked you to initiate and implement a change strategy
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The CEO, Max Lionel, has asked you to initiate and implement a change strategy


You are the Operations General Manager at Max Lionel Realty (MLR). The CEO, Max Lionel, has asked you to initiate and implement a change strategy to improve organisational culture and ensure ethical and legal compliance of agents. Key outcomes of the strategy will be:

• development of an ethics charter for the business based on WHS responsibilities and Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct

• revisions made to existing policies and procedures to incorporate use of charter by agents

• training for managers and agents on use of charter, WHS responsibilities and legal/ethical responsibilities.

Previous needs analysis for this strategy has uncovered characteristics and requirements of various groups and stakeholders:

The total budget for the change strategy: $12,000 You will need to:

• develop a draft action/implementation plan for the implementation of the strategy, including all activities to be undertaken and timelines for entire project

• develop a draft communications plan for internal and external stakeholders 

• consider resourcing requirements and develop a draft budget

• consider modes of communication and outline new technologies which would benefit promotion of plan

• include in action/implementation plan (and communication plan) a meeting with managers as a key part of building support for change strategy and gaining input

• meet with CEO to approve draft planning documents

• meet with managers to present draft strategy and gain input.


1. Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in Appendix 1: Max Lionel Realty. Review templates contained in Appendix 2: Assessment Templates for possible use or adaptation in completing assessment task requirements.

2. Review completed work from Assessment Task 2.

3. Review the scenario information below.

4. Develop agenda for workshop and arrange time to meet with managers to workshop implementation of agent training. Arrange for the assessor to observe workshop.

5. Lead team workshop with managers. Ensure you:

a. set and complete objectives for workshop; determine how to ensure effective training of agents

b. assign roles for each manager

c. model ethical behaviour and encourage ethical behaviour in team

d. use an appropriate leadership style to achieve objectives

e. discuss organisational requirements such as legislation

f. provide support for team as team generates ideas for how to produce effective training

g. model innovative methods to generate ideas for training agents and achieving training objectives, for example, brainstorming, fishbone diagrams, 8Ps, flowcharting

h. discuss, suggest, demonstrate and encourage innovative approaches

i. provide constructive criticism, advice 

j. discuss leadership styles to be employed by managers in training

k. discuss budget for training

l. take notes from workshop to evidence participation. 6. Submit documentation as per specifications below.


You must

• meet with managers to workshop training of agents

• submit:

o agenda

o team roles and responsibilities document

o team budget

o workshop notes

Your assessor will be looking for:

• how you communicate and inspire trust and confidence of others to ensure their cooperation and support

• how you network to ensure support from key groups and individuals for concepts/ideas/products/services

• how you encourage others to adopt ethics and build commitment

• how you demonstrate ethical conduct and professional competence

• how you demonstrate leadership through consultation and collaboration with stakeholders

Business A leadership style is a method a leader uses to provide direction in an organization, implement plans, or motivate employees. The four basic leadership styles are; coach, direct, support, and delegate. The best leadership style is one that is democratic, delegation, and autocratic....

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