Q1 Silo Wall Loads
The axi-symmetric (conical) silo of Figure 1 is designed to handle GOLD ORE at 7.2% moisture content. You are asked to determine:
(a) The initial vertical and normal wall pressures as a function of bin height during filling of the silo using the methodology presented in Australian Standard AS3774-1996.
For the cylindrical section of the silo is k = 0.37.
For the hopper section, the pressure ratio is given by
(b) The vertical and normal wall pressures as a function of bin height for the flow case in accordance with AS3774, but using the modified khf value for the hopper pressures as given by:
For the normal pressures on the cylinder walls during flow, the over-pressure factor (cnf) based on the Janssen pressure should be used (Refer to notes)
The following information is given:
Wall friction angles -
φw for Mild Steel = 34°
φw for Arcoplate = 23°
Effective angle of internal friction δ = 52°
Bulk density, ρ = 1850 kg/m3
The angle of repose of the GOLD ORE is 38°. The silo is initially centre filled.
NOTE: The wall load results determined are to be plotted against the height of gold ore in the silo.
All parameters used for calculating the wall loads are to be provided.
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