The figure below shows a bracket made of structural steel with Young
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The figure below shows a bracket made of structural steel with Young

The figure below shows a bracket made of structural steel with Young’s modulus E = 200 GPa and Poisson’s ratio ? = 0.3. The rectangular base of the bracket is 12 cm long, 6 cm wide, and 3 cm deep. The midsection has an overall extrusion depth of 1.6 cm and a profile sketch shown below. The hollow cylinder has an inner radius of 1 cm, an outer radius of 2 cm, and a height of 4 cm. The central axis of the cylinder is 12.5 cm away from the leftmost end of the bracket. The bracket is fixed on the left end.

(1) Determine if the bracket can safely carry the load when a pressure of 800 N/cm2 is exerted on the inclined face of the midsection.

(2) Find the life of the bracket if it is subjected to a fully reversed cyclic pressure of magnitude 5 MPa on one side of the midsection as shown below.

Engineering Cyclic pressure tests determine the susceptibility of pipes or fittings to fatigue failure. Use suitable end caps to convert the test sample into a container. Typically, the assembly is filled with water and then circulated using a solenoid valve that applies hydraulic or air pressure to the filled sample....

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