Problem 1: Use case and requirements
The following is an example use case diagram for this Exercise. Note that all the use cases specifically requested relate to the Line Supervisor actor. Some additional use cases have also been included in the diagram that relate to other actors. These are either described or implied in the interview transcript, but use case descriptions are not given here. Generate use case descriptions for the use cases listed in the Production Line Control boundary.
Problem 2: Object Modeling
Draw a domain model to fit the following description in the space at the bottom of this sheet.
Hint: use a pencil and an eraser. Or a black/white board with chalk. Draw incomplete boxes.
Vision -- Depot Stock Control Software
Software runs in a depot that ships stocks requested by orders. It helps the depot manager manage stock levels and outstanding orders.
Use Case UC1 Manager reviews unfulfilled orders
The manager at a depot logs in and sees a list of the sales orders that his depot has not yet fulfilled.
Part A
Your diagram should show the following information (and not much else!).
1. Depot, Product, Stock, Customer, Sales Order, Sales Item
1. A Depot holds Stocks.
2. Products are stocked as Stocks.
3. A Depot has Customers.
4. A Customer can have Sales Orders.
5. A Sales Order has Sales Items.
6. A Stock can be ordered as a Sales Item
1. Each Stock has precisely one Product and is held at one Depot.
2. Each Customer is served by only one depot.
3. Each Sales Item is on one Sales Order and is for one Stock.
Part B
1. Depot: Id and address,
2. Customer: name and address,
3. Sales order: dateOrdered, dueDate,
4. Sales Item: price and quantity,
5. Product: description and units.
Problem 3: Implementation
Answer the following questions about the class diagram
1. Which sentences are true?
a) CheckingAccount implements BankAccount
b) CheckingAccount and SavingAccount are BankAccount
c) CheckingAccount and SavingAccount are associated
d) BankAccount is associated to CheckingAccount
e) SavingAccount can processCheck
f) CheckingAccount has a balance
2. Write code to implement the class diagram. Write a sequence diagram to create a possible Main() to verify the implementations.
Problem 4: System Planning & Analysis
Suppose you are an analyst working for a small company to develop an accounting system. What type of methodology would you use? Why?
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