The task for this assessment is to prepare and present a plan for your development
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The task for this assessment is to prepare and present a plan for your development

Your Task:

The task for this assessment is to prepare and present a plan for your development as a leader. The period of your plan could be 2, 5 or 10 years. Select the period that makes most sense to you, depending on the current stage of your life and career. Briefly explain the reason for the time period that you have selected.

Your plan needs to be based on or anchored by an established model of personal development. A number of possible models were provided in Module 1. The choice of a model is up to you. The Whitman GROW and Boyatzis Intentional Change models are two of the most comprehensive at a personal level. However, other models may be more relevant to your current needs. You are also welcome to use an appropriate model that was not included in Module 1, provided it meets the tests of academic rigour and usefulness to you. Provide a brief description of your chose model and a justification for your selection. It is important that you go to the source documents and not rely only on the summary version of your chosen model.

Additional information on leadership development to help you prepare your plan and to continue your reflexive journal is provided in the subject Resources section of each module. 

Management "The GROW model is a simple method for goal setting and problem solving and stands for :Goal.Reality or Current RealityOptions or ObstaclesWill or Way ForwardIt was originally developed in the 1980s by Graham Alexander, Alan Fine and Sir John Whitmore.A good way of thinking about the model is to think about how a journey would be palnned. First, the goal is to be decided, and estab...

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