This assignment covers the design phase of your application development
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This assignment covers the design phase of your application development



Design Phase

This assignment covers the design phase of your application development. It is divided into three 2-week sprints. The artifacts from each sprint must be submitted by the due date. Your work should be submitted as a single google document following the provided template using the headings for each artifact. Be sure to caption all images for clarity. Upload the document for that sprint(s) before the due date.

Sprint 2 & 3: MVP and UX Prototype, user feedback and build a functional prototype

Now you know who your users are you need to identify what they want to do. Instead of designing your application from your perspective try to design it from theirs. A great way to do this is with user stories. A user story usually takes the form “As a [role] I want do [action] because [reason]”.

Once you have your user stories you can prioritise them which will help you identify what you need for your MVP. Finally sketch out a prototype of your MVP.


User stories:

Create a Trello board with at least 10 user stories. If you users have multiple roles make sure your stories cover all your user roles. Now order them by priority. Use Trello labels to create different priority categories.

MVP document:

Which user stories are critical for the application to function? These are your “core” stories.

You only want the critical stories because you don’t have long to design them. You can always work on the remaining stories later.

Now break your core stories up into features with more detailed description about how they will function with UX flow charts. Now you’re ready to put them together with some rough wireframes.

Paper Prototype:

Use your wireframes and UX flow charts to build a paper prototype. This is a very early stage of your design so don’t worry about making it look too pretty, you just need enough detail to get some user feedback. You will be testing it with users in the next sprint. Attach photos of your paper prototype to your google document.

Now you’ve designed your application you’re ready to get some feedback on it with user testing. Draw up a test plan and take your prototype out for some testing. This works best in pairs so find a classmate and test with them. You should talk to the user while your classmate takes notes. Using your testing feedback recommend changes to your application. Now build your prototype including your top recommendations.

User testing table:

Print out test sheets for your user testing plan. Take a photo of your completed test sheets and attach them to your document. If your test sheets are difficult to read, make sure to type out anything that is unclear.


Build your application as a web app. If there is too much to build you may need to reduce your MVP further. This will need to be more than just a mobile web site and should include functional interactivity. If any core functionality is too complicated to build in the available time, try and “fudge” it with dummy functionality that feels the same. You will need to include a link to your git repository and hosted application on GitHub pages.

Make sure your code conforms with our best practices and outline any external libraries you use in your github file.

ComputerFunctional Prototype : It is a sample or the model of a product which is built to test a concept or the process or even to act as a visual prop that needs to be replicated, or improved and even learned from. Functional prototypes are used in a variety of contexts, that also includes the semantics, electronics, design and also software programming along with in the product development....

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