Use regular expression to implement a function which accepts a passed string
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Use regular expression to implement a function which accepts a passed string

Pass Task 2.3P: Email validation using regular expression

Task description:

Use regular expression to implement a function which accepts a passed string and check if it is a valid email address. A program accepts user’s input and calls the email validation function. If the email is valid, print out the email, username and host. (Rule: word characters (a-zA-Z0-9_ or “\w”), dot, and hyphen are considered as valid characters in an email address, besides of one & only one ‘@’.)

(Sample output as shown in the following figure is for demonstration purposes only.)


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ComputerProgramming language is a formal language which consists of a set of strings that produce several kinds of the machine code output. These languages are used in the computer programming to implement the algorithms. These high-level programming languages include Python, JavaScript, PHP, C #, C++, COBOL, Perl, Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, and Swift programming language. ...

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