Using the formula above and basic trigonometry, calculate distance and azimuth
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Using the formula above and basic trigonometry, calculate distance and azimuth

Part 3. Calculating Distance and Bearing

3a. Using the formula above and basic trigonometry, calculate distance and azimuth for points A, B, C, D (from questions 2a and 2c). Show your sketch of the angle you are measuring.

Tip: When computing azimuth, remember to add or subtract 90°, 180°, 270° to angle θ when necessary.

ScienceTrigonometry is the branch of mathematics which is basically concerned with the functions that are specific of the angles and also their application to the calculations. Also, there are six functions of an angle which are commonly used in trigonometry, i.e. the sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), cotangent (cot), secant (sec), and the cosecant (csc)....

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