Using the table below, explain each of the following advanced function
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Using the table below, explain each of the following advanced function

Question 1

Using the table below, explain each of the following advanced functions of Excel and provide an example of where each can be used in a real-life setting.

R 1.explain the purpose of each function listed under the ‘Functions’ column

R 2.provide an example of use for each function in a real-life situation

Question 2

Describe how formatting and designing an Excel worksheet impact the presentation and readability of data.

R 1.describe how each of the following items used in formatting impacts the presentation and readability of data:

a. cell alignment

b. fonts

c. styles

d. number formatting

e. conditional formatting

f. borders

g. formatting as table

h. document themes

R 2.describe how each of the following items used in designing impacts the presentation and readability of data:

a. workbook views

b. macros

c. page layout

d. PivotTables

e. illustrations

f. templates

g. header and footer

Question 3

Using the table below, explain organisational requirements for ergonomics when working with spreadsheets.

R 1.explain the best practices for each equipment to minimise physical discomfort and maximise productivity while working with spreadsheets

Question 4

Explain organisational requirements for work periods and breaks when working with spreadsheets.

R 1.explain the best practices when working with spreadsheets for long periods of time, covering:

 breaks and work periods

 stretching and exercising

 the 20-20-20 rule

Question 5

Explain organisational requirements for conservation techniques when working with spreadsheets.

R 1.for each 3R principle below, explain the techniques to conserve resources while working with spreadsheets:

 reduce

 reuse

 recycle

Management"Ergonomics is the scientific discipline which, among humans and other system's elements, is concerned with the understanding of interactions. It is basically the process of arranging & designing the workplaces, products and systems. This is so that it fits the people who uses them. It also aims to improve the workspaces and environments to minimise the risk of the harm and injury."...

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