Write SQL statements (i.e., insert statements) to populate database tables
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Write SQL statements (i.e., insert statements) to populate database tables

1. Write SQL statements (i.e., insert statements) to populate database tables. Each table must have at least 3 tuples.

2. Write SQL scripts to retrieve tuples of each table populated.

3. Write a SQL script to retrieve music file names purchased by each customer.

 Description: customers
customerid INT(11)
firstName VARCHAR(50)
lastName VARCHAR(50)
address VARCHAR(255)
city VARCHAR(50)
State CHAR(2)

EconomicsSQL stands for the Structured Query Language. It is a domain-specific language that is used in the programming. They are usually designed for the management data that are held in a relational database management system. They are also even designed for the stream processing in a relational data stream management system....

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