You are given a text T of length n and a pattern P of length p
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You are given a text T of length n and a pattern P of length p


You are given a text T of length n and a pattern P of length p. We say that two occurrences x and y are non-overlapping if |y-x|≥ p. Design an O(n + p) time algorithm to report a maximal set of non-overlapping occurrences of P in T.

For example, say T = aabaabaabacdeaabaabac and P = aaba, then the occurrences of P in T are {0,3, 6, 13, 16}. We have to report the largest sized subset of the occurrences such that no two occurrences in the subset overlap. Notice that the occurrences 0 and 3 (also, 3 and 6, and 13 and 16) overlap. So, we have to report either {0,6, 13} or {0,6, 16).

Hint: Use KMP first. Then you need to do "something" greedily.

ComputerKnuth Morris Pratt (KMP) is an algorithm, which checks the characters from left to right. When a pattern has a sub-pattern appears more than one in the sub-pattern, it uses that property to improve the time complexity, also for in the worst case. The time complexity of KMP is O(n)....

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