I. Part 1: Non-coding problem
You are given below a state-space graph that consists of nine states, the costs of the connections between them, and a heuristic, h(n), for each state. Your task is to find a path from start state S to goal state F. In order to find a solution path, one can use a number of different search methods. In the following questions, you are to find the path from S to F that the search algorithm given in the question would yield.
1.1 Using Depth First Search algorithm, please present the path from start state to the goal state. Expand the successors of a node in alphabetical order (e.g., if a node has 3 successors, A, B, and C, then A will be expanded before B, and B will be expanded before C). Show the search tree to find this solution
1.2 Using Breadth First Search algorithm, please present the path from start state to the goal state. Expand the successors of a node in alphabetical order (e.g., if a node has 3 successors, A, B, and C, then A will be expanded before B, and B will be expanded before C). Show the search tree to find this solution
1.3 Using Greedy Algorithm, please present the path from start state to the goal state. Show the search tree to find this solution
1.4 Using A* search algorithm, please present the path from start state to the goal state. Find the search tree to find this solution.
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