You will choose three documents from the provided below and then create an annotated
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You will choose three documents from the provided below and then create an annotated


Knowledge: After doing this assignment you will know how to

1. analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources.

Skills: After doing this assignment you will be able to:

1. discuss the Age of Exploration

2. explain colonization

2. to include inquiry, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information

3. to include effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written communication

What is a Bibliography?

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary:

bib·li·og·ra·phy Definition of BIBLIOGRAPHY1 : the history, identification, or description of writings or publications2 a: a list often with descriptive or critical notes of writings relating to a particular subject, period, or author b: a list of works written by an author or printed by a publishing house3 : the works or a list of the works referred to in a text or consulted by the author in its production—Examples of BIBLIOGRAPHY

The instructor provided the students with an excellent bibliography on local history.

The book includes a lengthy bibliography.

An Annotated Bibliography is most closely associated with definition 2a above, a list of works with descriptive or critical notes.

“Information Literacy” is a term that describes the process of finding, evaluating, and effectively using information. In our case, it would be for historical research but it can be used in any academic (or personal) situation. To help you learn how to access, evaluate, and use information well, do the following assignments

For each annotated bibliography assignment I will give you the required documents. You will not write a research paper on the topic but you will produce an annotated bibliography of your sources. [See the note following the assignment about what that is if you don’t know already.]

Use the Chicago-style sheet as your guide.

First, summarize the source, including the source’s thesis, key points, and the most significant detail or evidence supporting those points. If someone asked what this document was about, what would you say? What is the purpose of the document? What topics are covered? What are the main arguments?

Second, evaluate the source. Think about why did the author create the document and why was it written for and why?

TASK: You will choose three documents from the provided below and then create an annotated bibliography.

1-who wrote the document, 2-when was the document produced originally, 3-what was going on during this time period, 4-historical context, 5-audience and 6-what is the historical significance of the document in a well-crafted paragraph.


annotated bibliography

**Read this handout to familiarize yourself with an example: Chicago Documentation Annotated Bib.pdf (guide) Download Chicago Documentation Annotated Bib.pdf (guide)

Approved documents:

Annotated Bibliography choose three documents to read from below and complete assignment. You do not need to locate any other documents use these provided below.

The Magna Carta--

Columbus's Description of the Discovery of America (1492)--

Mayflower Compact (1620)--American Perspectives page 86

Maryland Toleration Act--American Perspectives page 88

Treaty of Tordesillas--American Perspectives page 2

Virginia Codes --American Perspectives page 114

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