Your Final Project may address any aspect of the Civil Rights Movement and
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Your Final Project may address any aspect of the Civil Rights Movement and

Finally, a brief word about Final Projects, which we will discuss more extensively in class this week and next.

Your Final Project may address any aspect of the Civil Rights Movement and/or contemporary organizing using anygenre and any tools. This means that you may write a research essay; create music; explore artistic expression; produce a podcast; conduct interviews; make a video; reflect on anything that you feel is connected to the material; write about the present through the lens of the past; create a zine; talk about your own organizing and lessons/tools to share; whatever else.

You may explore something related to your major concentration, or try something new. You may work alone or with others in the course, depending on your interests.

Think of this project as a chance to dig deeper, or to introduce yourself to a field/method/area/topic you always wanted to know more about. I suggest that you draft a proposal with a topic, a style/genre/method, and a research question. These proposals do not have to be long (a page or less is fine), and they may not even be necessary, but if you are curious about how to move forward or want some early feedback, drafting a proposal allows us to begin that conversation sooner. You may send in a proposal by next week; although later is also fine.

In past iterations of the course, students have explored so many topics through multiple modalities, and you will have an opportunity to share this material in the final weeks of the class if you wish (presentations are not required, but we'll make the space for it). Ultimately, we want to continue co-creating a space in which any and all responses to this material can illuminate our present and re-narrativize the past, especially since the Civil Rights Movement is not over, but continuing in the here and now.

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