Your full explanation to Jane of the information in the letter
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Your full explanation to Jane of the information in the letter

Task 3 – Oral presentation

In Task 2 you prepared a letter to “Jane”, the business manager. In this task you are required to present your letter to “Jane” and explain the information it contains. In order to demonstrate your competence in doing this you are required to use a smart phone or similar device to record a short video (including sound and approximately 3 to 4 minutes) of you performing this task while a friend/associate plays the part of Jane. The video recording must include:

- Your full explanation to Jane of the information in the letter

- An explanation of why you consider it important to consider the cash flow situation of the business

- At least one question from Jane that requires you to provide further explanation to her

- Jane needs to sign the authorisation at the bottom of your letter once it has been explained to her.

Note: This is a simulated business meeting so you should not be simply reading information prepared beforehand. You need to demonstrate active listening and communication skills. The video file should be submitted as evidence of completion of this task.

Accounts and Finance  A business manager is a person who is tasked with the responsibilities of managing and supervising the daily operations in a business and all the employees. Cash flow is a movement of money that is virtual. It describes the process of money moving into and out of a business during an estimated period of time....

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