Your manager at M1 Consulting Inc. was so pleased with the analysis
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Your manager at M1 Consulting Inc. was so pleased with the analysis

“In Search of a Customer”

Project Outline:

Congratulations!  Your manager at M1 Consulting Inc. was so pleased with the analysis you completed in Assignment #1 – they would like you to extend the contract with your client and continue the project for the company.

Again, the format of your analysis can be one of three forms.  It is your choice:

Traditional report written in full paragraphs and sentences

Video with references included (no longer than 10 minutes)

Audio with accompanying notes and references (no longer than 10 minutes)

Again, you will work individually or in groups of no more than two (2) and submit your report. If you worked in pairs for Assignment #1, I assume you will work in the same pair for this assignment.

You will use the same company that you analyzed in Assignment #1 – a small company.

You are expected to continue your research on this company, using at least 3 different resources. You will include a list of these references at the conclusion of the document.  These can include:

The company’s website

Other websites

Books, journals, magazines, newspapers

Interview with employees or other stakeholders

Other reputable sources as found

This time, your focus will be squarely on the customers of this company. Your manager has asked that this report contain the following sections:

1. Title Page to include the name of the company, and your name, instructor name, and date

2. Segmentation

Written or described in complete paragraph format, a description of at least 2 of this company’s target market segments. Be sure to describe it in terms of:





3. Customer Behaviour 

Based on the specific nature of the product and/or service your chosen company offers, develop a clear picture of your company’s customers.  Focus on the internal and external influences on them, and be sure to consider some combination of psychological, socio-cultural, and situational influences.

4. Positioning

Based on your segmentation of this company’s market in #2 above, build a profile (or persona) for one typical customer of their product or service.  This profile should include all relevant segmentation variables as outlined in the course, and should give actual personality to the person.  See Week 9 discussion questions as your guide.

Create a positioning (or perceptual) map for this product/service.  Be sure to select the appropriate x and y axes, all relevant competitors, and position the offering accordingly.  MS-Word Table function will be helpful here. Describe the key parts of the map in a few lines.

5. Researching the customer

Recommend one example of a research tool this company could use to better understand what their target market is seeking with respect to their product/service  

Briefly describe the tool, and explain why you chose this tool.

6. Recommendations

Based on what you have learned about this company through your analysis in both Assignments #1 and #2, what are 3 marketing-related initiatives you would recommend this company undertake in the future.

Briefly explain ‘why’ for each (but you do not have to provide many details on ‘how’), based on what you have learned about the company

Ensure that each recommendation relates to one of the 4 P’s of the marketing mix

7. References and Bibliography*

List all references used, including publications and websites.  *No formal citation method required.

Business A target segment refers to the specified group of people in a community that a company wants to sell its service and products. The group of people share the same characteristics and the same needs and wants. A target segment is essential in helping the company identify the kind of products and services to sell in a specific market....

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