Your task, as a team, is to play the role of a purchasing team for new Melbourne
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Your task, as a team, is to play the role of a purchasing team for new Melbourne

Assignment overview

Your task, as a team, is to play the role of a purchasing team for new Melbourne-based patisseries that are aiming to launch in January next year. Your task is to develop a procurement report for all the equipment and supplies you will need to open for business (ignore buildings, leases and utilities), in addition to products that cover anticipated market demand for the period January–December 2022 (choose just one product). Your report, based on a combination of facts you know or can learn about patisseries and your own opinions, should describe: your company's vision, mission, and market position who will be your main competitors and why your competitive advantage(s) or competitive point of difference (e.g. how your business is unique and how it will bring in customers). You will be allocated to a team of four to five students.


My part of the assignment is:

1. Developing a forecast of predicted demand for your product over the 12-month period— a graph chart is required

NOTE (example given): Q: How do I develop a forecast without prior sales figures?

A: You will need to forecast on the basis of understanding the size of the market and share of the market you are research is extremely important may find that cake sales in a particular area account for $1M per annum, but this is split between 4 competitors in the market..for you to get a toehold into the market you will look at your product mix and pricing strategy to identify the niche that you may target, and that may account for $100K out of $1M. So working your way back from that overall figure, you can work out how many cakes you may need to sell at a price point per annum, but then also consider seasonality, days in a month, predicted growth etc when producing your initial forecast... from this you will be able to disaggregate your volumes through the BOM into a purchasing plan..

2. utilising your forecast to establish a procurement strategy for the needs requirements of product supply over that 12-month period (what quantities will you order and how frequently will you place orders? Remember to consider lead times)—GANTT chart is required 

Information provided/found:

ManagementGantt chart: It is used commonly in the project management. Also, it is one of the most popular and the useful way of showing the task, events or the activities which is displayed against the time. On this chart, the left of the chart is a list of the activities and the suitable time scale along the top. Also, each of the activity is usually represented by a bar, the start date reflects ...

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