Your task is to develop a Learning and Development Program for supervisors and team
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Your task is to develop a Learning and Development Program for supervisors and team

Part A

You have received the following email from Ben Russell, CEO Star Industries.

FROM: Ben Russell, CEO 

TO: General Manager, Human Resources 

SUBJECT: Performance Management Process – learning and development

Thank you for your reviewing our Performance Management processes. It looks like we will now have a more robust approach to managing performance across the organisation.

I’m particularly interested in looking at the learning and development our supervisors and team leaders need in managing performance.

Could you please develop a program to this effect? You might consider areas such as: 

Collaborative goal-setting

Giving and receiving feedback

Managing Teams


Participative decision-making

Interpersonal and organisational communication

I’m sure there are other areas and part of the work I need you to do is to identify the learning and development gaps for managers in making effective use of STAR’s Performance Management System.

I’d appreciate a draft of this program by the end of the month. 

Ben Russell 


Your task is to develop a Learning and Development Program for supervisors and team leaders in managing performance using STAR’s Performance Management System.

Format your Learning and Development Program by using the bolded headings below with each dot point as a sub-heading. Write your answer under each sub-heading.

As a Diploma student, you are required to read and research widely. Aim to include relevant in-text references to support your work and include these details in a reference list. Include a bibliography with your assessment as evidence of the research you have conducted.

Title Learning and Development Program for managing performance using STAR’s Performance Management System.


1. Why is the learning and development program required?

Learning and development program is crucial function to HR and it is part of talent management strategy and it defined as a goal of learning and development to align individual employee performance (Collings, Mellahi and Cascio, 2019). This is essential in every organisation to enhance the work performance and it is cost-effective and well matched company’s need training. This learning development programs is to be made for supervisors and team leaders to manage performance using STAR ‘s performance management process. The program is required to meet CEO’s request and provide a framework for learning and development initiative for supervisors in managing performance.

2. What is the purpose of the program?

Purpose is to ensure that supervisors and team leaders re able to objectively performance manage their employees according to organisational requirements

3. Who are the target group?

supervisors and team leaders

4. List the characteristics of a learning organisation. Which of these characteristics will the program address?

A learning organisation, is an organisation that has developed an ongoing capacity to adapt and change to achieve organisational objectives (please add eg continual development of ideas and options to developing customer needs etc

Learning Framework

1. List the learning and development needs of the target group covering the skills, knowledge and experience required to perform their performance management responsibilities. (cannot read what you provided) Please ADD to this list and check your PM resources in OLS

Skills: planning and resourcing workloads/flow, active listening, interpersonal communication skills, negotiation etc

Knowledge: policy and procedures of performance management, legislation etc

Experience: supervising staff, working and leading teams, dealing with a range of personalities,,

2. Based on your analysis of the learning and development needs develop a Learning and Development Plan (using the template below) to be implemented over the next 12 months. Attach this completed template to your program.

Pleas fill in the template below as yours is unreadable. It is plan based on the detail in A above… skills, knowledge, experience

3. Consider the proposal from CTF in Appendix 1 to provide some training aligned to your program. Based on CTF’s proposal and your identified learning and development needs, which aspects of your Learning and Development Plan will you consider contracting to CTF to deliver? Justify this approach.

CTF’s proposal most closely matches providing workplace training in a range of skills. Answers can outline which skills development is most beneficial. Justification needs to consider cost, subject expertise and internal vs external training provider.

4. What information will you use to report on progress and success rates of learning and development activities? Where will you get this information?

Training records – attendance, feedback, applied outcomes on the job. This information may come from HRIS reports; course evaluation; audit of performance reviews etc

5. What steps will you take to negotiate remedial action with CTF when quality standards aren’t met?

where a training provider is not meeting the service specifications, remedial action needs to be taken. A meeting will be arranged between the organisation and the training provider. Meeting will discuss area of non compliance, response by provider and a revised SLA

6. Outline the resources (physical, financial and human) required to implement this plan. Please add

Physical – training room, or on line, learning material, workbooks

Financial:- cost of training providers, venues, resources

Human- Experienced trainer, admin support


List the action you want the CEO to approve.

Approval of the learning program, use of resources and external providers at a cost

Learning and Development Plan for Supervisors and Team Leaders in Managing People Performance at STAR Industries

What Learning and Development needs in priority order

Why Link to objective in the L&D Program

When Date, Time and Duration

Who Which members of the target group will participate?

Where Location

How Mode of delivery (e.g. workshop, on-the-job, networking, qualification, mentoring, coaching, buddy, etc.)

ManagementLearning development program in managing performance is crucial to HR functions to align all employees’ goals and performance to achieve the overall organizational mission. To develop these learning development programs, one has to determine the right training methods for the target group by identifying skill gaps....

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