Your task is to explore the discussion and debates about schooling reforms
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Your task is to explore the discussion and debates about schooling reforms

Your task is to explore the discussion and debates about schooling reforms in a review of AT LEAST FOUR reform papers published in the past two decades. You will need to demonstrate a critical understanding of the current research about schooling reform, its development over the past two decades, and take a clear and justified stance in exploring a range of existing schooling operations and practices.

Prepare a report and make clear reference to at least FOUR reviews or position papers prepared for Australian federal, state or territory government agencies (national reports) or other government agencies outside of Australia (international reports). In your report include:

• at least ONE review or position paper that is focussed on middle schooling,

• at least ONE review or position paper that is focussed on senior secondary schooling,

• at least ONE review or position paper that is focussed on Indigenous schooling, and

• at least ONE review or position paper that originates from an international agency, for example, the USA or UK.

• a conclusion that integrates the commonalities of findings/recommendations for the reports.

Approach the task by:

1. Quickly identifying four relevant papers that suit the descriptors

2. Reading the executive summaries and making a succinct list of the main recommendations for the reports/papers.

3. Developing a table that lists the recommendations for the four reports

4. Determine from the tables commonalities between the four reports - one will note that some recommendations are common or associated with other reports.

5. Write a succinct summary of each report-identifying the important recommendations.

Note that one cannot report ALL recommendations. Identify the most relevant recommendations for each report. Use a REPORT style and NOT an essay.

6. Insert the table (Table 1: Commonalities) that maps the IMPORTANT and relevant recommendations that have links to other reports.

7. Write an over-arching conclusion that integrates the four reports based upon their commonalities, and these will be easily indicated on the table.

8. Ensure references and citations follow APA style.

ManagementA report is a document that presents information about a specific topic and shows its purpose to an audience in an organized and specific format. A report format entails a title section, an introductory part, the body that entails the main information of the document, and a summary that indicates the major points discussed in the topic, a conclusion, and recommendations....

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