Science Formulas
List Of Formulas
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- 1 Atomic mass unit
- 1 Electron volt
- Acceleration due to gravity at Earth's surface
- Ampere's law, faraday's law and maxwell's equations
- Avogadro's Number
- Boltzmann's Constant
- Charge of electron
- Coulomb's Constant
- Currents
- Dynamics and kinematics
- Electrostatics
- Geometrical (Ray) optics
- Gravitational Constant
- h-bar
- Ideal Gas constant
- Magnetism
- Mass of Earth
- Mass of Electron
- Mechanics of fluids
- Modern Physics
- Permeability of free space
- Permittivity of free space
- Physical (wave) optics
- Planck's Constant
- Radius of Earth
- Rotational Motion
- Speed of Light
- Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
- Thermodynamics
- Universal Gravitation
- Waves
- Work, Energy, Power and Momentum